We hear this term a lot but what does holistic mean? Here are a few definitions that sum it up:
“Emphasizing the importance of the whole and the interdependence of its parts.”
“Characterized by comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole.”
“In health care, a term used to describe treatments of the whole person: mind, body and spirit.”
“Emphasizing the organic or functional relation between parts and the whole.”
Then how does one live a holistic lifestyle?
We need to look at the whole and understand all the parts of what make up who you are physically, mentally, spiritually and that they are all intertwined and you have to find a way to balance them in your life.
You can exercise but if you don’t eat well you may not get anywhere. You can eat healthy but continue to suffer from depression and anxiety because you choose unhealthy ways to manage your symptoms like alcohol or isolating from others. You can exercise and eat healthy but you overwork yourself and are unable to find a balance between work and having a life. You have a hard time finding a purpose and just stumble through life without any priorities. You try to make better food choices but you continue to surround yourself with toxic products that are literally leaching toxins into your body every day. You choose leisure activities like zoning out in front of the T.V. or stare at your phone all day and night instead of connecting with family and friends.
We have to make choices in each aspect of our lives that complement the others.
We have to make choices in each aspect of our lives that complement the others.
Here’s a list to get you started:
- Eat a healthy well balanced diet
- Get moving at least 30 minutes a day
- Find something bigger than yourself: Faith, meditation, nature
- Get some sleep! The average person sleeps 5 to 6 hours and minimum recommendations are 7 hours a night
- Choose products that are not leaching chemicals into your body and the air you breathe. Choose safer/healthier soaps, cosmetics, cleaning products, swap air fresheners for essential oils
- Manage your stress levels. Find healthy ways to cope
- Connect with others friends and family spend quality time
- Go have some fun!!! Choose positive, social and healthy leisure activities
I know this may seem like a lot but knowing what you need and being conscious of it is a great start to leading a happy healthy holistic lifestyle. Make better choices when you can and slowly make changes that you know you can sustain. No one is perfect and striving for that will stress you out but just do what you can and see how much better you feel!
I hope to help make these choices easier for you to manage and to show you why change and leading a holistic lifestyle are so important through the posts I share on my blog.
Please check out www.wholistickitchen.com and
follow me on Facebook or Instagram!
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